San Angelo, Texas Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in San Angelo, TX for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

58605 properties found in San Angelo, TX Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at HudwayGlass Address Directory.

Street starts with:

55 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST ATLAS ST 36 207
1ST ST 65 243
2ND ST 33 56
3RD ST 49 133
4TH ST 28 63
5TH ST 27 49
6TH ST 37 172
7TH ST 5 7
8TH ST 82 316
9TH ST 75 356
10TH ST 78 328
11TH ST 97 496
12TH ST 106 490
13TH ST 105 536
14TH ST 103 458
15TH ST 74 298
16TH ST 101 459
17TH ST 134 526
18TH ST 174 798
19TH 1/2 ST 2 4
19TH ST 193 832
20TH ST 170 840
21ST ST 164 822
22ND ST 185 851
23RD ST 182 918
24TH 1/2 ST 57 194
24TH ST 191 980
25TH 1/2 ST 20 65
25TH ST 172 870
26TH ST 120 524
27TH ST 58 274
28TH ST 93 469
29TH ST 104 616
30TH ST 33 268
31ST ST 42 275
32ND ST 46 216
33RD ST 45 228
34TH ST 36 140
35TH ST 21 69
36TH ST 30 111
37TH ST 112 537
38TH ST 50 242
39TH ST 92 466
40TH ST 97 461
41ST PL 8 25
41ST ST 117 584
42ND ST 160 802
43RD ST 76 351
44TH ST 66 329
45TH ST 41 189
46TH ST 40 169
47TH ST 55 259
48TH ST 26 108
49TH ST 26 132
50TH ST 9 20
Street starts with: