Atlantic City, New Jersey Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Atlantic City, NJ for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

46750 properties found in Atlantic City, NJ Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at HudwayGlass Address Directory.

Street starts with:

26 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
11TH AVE 15 50
12TH AVE 28 79
13TH AVE 19 68
14TH AVE 21 88
15TH AVE 10 37
16TH AVE 8 574
17TH AVE 15 65
18TH AVE 13 46
19TH AVE 15 63
20TH AVE 12 42
21ST AVE 13 47
22ND AVE 9 26
23RD AVE 7 36
24TH AVE 11 33
25TH AVE 16 53
26TH AVE 16 89
27TH AVE 11 58
28TH AVE 21 111
29TH AVE 28 101
30TH AVE 31 163
31ST AVE 33 174
32ND AVE 46 224
33RD AVE 46 231
34TH AVE 56 264
35TH AVE 63 278
36TH AVE 63 302
Street starts with: