Arab, Alabama Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Arab, AL for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

10286 properties found in Arab, AL Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at HudwayGlass Address Directory.

Street starts with:

36 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST AVE 67 357
1ST PL 24 76
1ST ST 81 315
1ST WAY 3 7
2ND AVE 58 337
2ND ST 122 457
3RD AVE 50 156
3RD ST 98 532
4TH AVE 81 236
4TH ST 166 678
5TH AVE 18 62
5TH ST 113 403
6TH AVE 36 101
6TH PL 10 32
6TH ST 104 376
7TH AVE 54 151
7TH CT 4 16
7TH PL 19 64
7TH ST 97 264
7TH WAY 6 23
8TH AVE 20 70
8TH ST 68 451
9TH AVE 14 42
9TH ST 49 135
10TH AVE 35 122
10TH CIR 10 24
10TH ST 107 344
11TH AVE 10 29
11TH PL 24 78
11TH ST 43 120
12TH AVE 83 293
12TH ST 113 319
12TH WAY 12 31
13TH ST 1 3
14TH PL 10 43
15TH ST 5 9
Street starts with: